MGB Group changed budget culture by eliminating spreadsheets and automating processes

The MGB Group, a supermarket chain that operates in the wholesale and retail segments, has been operating in the region of São Paulo (Brazil) for over 35 years. Its banners, Giga and Mambo, concentrate more than 20 stores and approximately 2,900 employees.

To learn more about this successful case of AllStrategy, we talked to Ribamar Brito, Controller Coordinator of the MGB Group!

Looking for the right tool

According to Ribamar, the Group was looking for a tool to automate its budgeting process. The solution that caught his attention the most was AllStrategy, because the layout is user-friendly, providing a dynamic view of the data, and for storing the data in the cloud.

Need for quick deployment

The start of the deployment was quick. Soon after the negotiation and closing meetings, the project kick-off was scheduled for the start of remote deployment.

“Between the remote and face-to-face stage, I had time to organize some things and, soon after, we received the consultant’s visit at the Group’s headquarters. After the parameterization phases, we started the training with the users,” explains Ribamar.

MGB’s objective was very clear: to eliminate spreadsheets and make the process more transparent, changing the budgeting culture of the entire group.

“This project meant a change and a breakthrough. We had a budget all in spreadsheets and this change, to have everything in a system, was very important even for trust, information security and data availability, which can now be accessed even by cell phone.”

Real benefits

For Ribamar, the impact was very positive in building the budget, as it made the process easier. He also highlights the gains in HR budgeting, previously done down to the employee level and by business unit.

The Group depended on several spreadsheets to carry out the budget and monitoring of results. As a result, the consolidation and dissemination of results required a lot of time from the controller, who needed to send the files to each manager.

With AllStrategy Plano this work no longer exists! Consolidation is automatic and access is ready for each directorate.

Beyond expectations

Ribamar highlights the system’s easy usability and integration with the ERP and other systems used by the company. In addition, the software’s apportionment module is something the company has used a lot for Action Plans.

“Undoubtedly, AllStrategy Plano has brought gains to my daily life and the app issue counts very positively, as users access it from anywhere.”
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